How to make the most delicious omelette

Hii guys!

Just a question, am I’m the only one who’s in love with omelettes? I have now over a couple of years made a lot of omelettes. And I have finally found a way, to make the most delicious omelette ever. The best part about omelettes, is that you can eat it for breakfast, lunch or dinner, isn’t that amazing?? Just a random question, do you like pineapples?? Because I think they are adorable, but tastes kinda weird… Okay sorry lets stay on track, lets go make that delicious omelette, shall we?!!!

– The ingredients are at the bottom –

Ingredients for a perfect vegetarian omelet.
The ingredients for the omelette!
  1. First of all, you have to wash all the vegetables and make sure that all the dirt is completely gone. Because who likes to chew delicious food and suddenly it becomes kinda crispy, because you are chewing dirt? And if you like dirt, well don’t wash the vegetables…
Mmmh mushrooms 😛

2. Now start out with frying the mushrooms, in some butter, with some balsamic vinegar. 

Mix of spring onions and mushrooms.
Mix of the spring onions and the mushrooms.

3. Now you wanna add the spring onions to the pan too! Just mix it all together and fry it for about,  five more minutes.

Mix of spinach and eggs.
Mix of the spinach and eggs.

4. Now crush the eggs into a bowl and mix it with the spinach, salt, pepper and paprika.


5. Now all the fun starts, I promise! Now you have to put the egg mix on a pan and sprinkle it with some of that Mozzarella cheese.

Do you know that feeling, when you can’t get all the egg white fried, on the top of the omelette. I really hate that and think it’s really disgusting. But you don’t have to suffer anymore, take a lid on the top of the pan and both sides of the omelette will be perfectly fried. 

Delecious omelet.
The omelette, is now almost done.

6. The omelet is now almost done and it’s time to add the tomatoes, spring onions and the mushrooms. Now just fold it over and you are now officially done, enjoy!

the perfect omelet, for dinner.

Ingredients – Makes 1 serving

  • 4 eggs.
  • 1/2 cup grated Mozzarella Cheese.
  • 4 – 5 basil leaves.
  • Handful of fresh spinach.
  • 1-2 mushrooms.
  • 2 big tomatoes. 
  • Just a few spring onions.
  • Salt, pepper and Paprika.
  • Some butter + balsamic vinegar. 

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